Tuesday, October 28, 2008

See? This is the fuckin shit I be talkin about.

Sister says suspect in Obama plot is sorry

Click the link. Go ahead, just click it...and read about how DUMB and IGNORANT some white, middle-class americans are.

Fuckin' little 18 year old pricks trying to be the next Lee Harvey Oswald.
Get it through your head, retards - Hitler's DEAD. He been dead.
Dead as a doornail. So, why the fuck are we still going though this Nazi shit? In AMERICA no less?!

*in retard voice*
"Oh, hummdy dum-dum, let's be NEO-NAZIS, yeah THAT'S cool..hummdeedum..."

Get a fucking life. Better yet, give me your life - and I'm sure I'll find something productive to do with it. Little bastards said they wanted to kill 88 black students and behead 14 of them. WHAT? Are we STILL really taking steps BACKWARDS as a nation?!

PARENTS - WATCH YOUR FUCKING KIDS. I'm pretty sure had the dumb hick fuckers they call parental figures actually been that, this idea wouldn't have even entered their minds. "He 'disliked' black people". HAH! Shit, I 'dislike' dumb ass racist fucks that figure they can take another human's ability to live freely, just because of some stupid 'cause'. Man, I wish I could hang these kids upside down for 88 hours and just let black folks WAIL on them.

Whatever. In a week - Barack Obama will be president, and we will be THAT much closer to becoming a nation of united individuals.

Apparently, we still have ALOT of work to do.

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